Tyrosine (TYR or Y) is one of the more hydrophobic amino acids. Its shape in Foldit is similar to that of phenylalanine, but it has a "stick" on top, consisting of an oxygen atom.
In the Foldit Lua interface, the functions structure.GetAminoAcid and structure.SetAminoAcid use lowercase "y" for tyrosine.
The an oxygen atom in tyrosine's sidechain can act as a hydrogen bond acceptor or donor. See the Sidechain Bonding Gallery and the Sidechain Bonding Table for other sidechain donors and acceptors.
As with phenylalanine, the six-sided ring is related to benzene. The addition of the oxygen atom changes the ring structure to phenol, a common example of a phenyl group, where one of the hydrogen atoms in benzene is replaced by a different atom.
For more, see tyrosine on wikipedia.