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Irc 455069 1389233494 S1 retiredmichael

retiredmichael's heliomicin from Puzzle 829.

90: Heliomicin is a Foldit revisiting puzzle, originally presented as Puzzle 90: Heliomicin in 2008.

Heliomicin is an anti-fungal protein produced by the moth Heliothis virescens, commonly known as the tobacco budworm. Heliomicin is a type of defensin, proteins which guard against fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

The puzzle protein has 44 segments with the sequence:


The sequence is found in this Protein Data Bank entry:

  • 1I2U (chain A, offset 0)

The puzzle protein can have three disulfide bridges, identified in 1I2U as 7-32, 18-40, and 22-42. In recent visits to this puzzle, each bridge is awarded a bonus of 250 points.

The recipe Bridge Wiggle v 1.2.1 - Brow42 accepts the bridges in this format:

7,32 18,40 22,42

This puzzle does not have any ligands.

This puzzle has a single chain.

See players' solutions from previous visits this puzzle:

Complete series of revisits with top scores:

puzzle closed top solo score top solo top evo score top evo top group score top group comments
90: Heliomicin 10/06/08 8,762 jobo0502 8,778 g_s 8,778 Another Hour Another Point
824: Revisiting Puzzle 90: Heliomicin 01/02/14 8,955 hansvandenhof 8,952 Galaxie 8,955 Anthropic Dreams
1136: Revisiting Puzzle 90: Heliomicin 09/16/15 9,266 BitSpawn 9,258 gmn 9,266 Anthropic Dreams
1351: Revisiting Puzzle 90: Heliomicin 03/16/17 9,419 LociOiling 9,419 reefyrob 9,419 Beta Folders
1611: Revisiting Puzzle 90: Heliomicin 12/26/18 9,813 tyler0911 9,831 Galaxie 9,813 Anthropic Dreams
1792: Revisiting Puzzle 90: Heliomicin 02/05/20 9,841 Timo van der Laan 9,818 NinjaGreg 9,841 Void Crushers
2072: Revisiting Puzzle 90: Heliomicin 11/25/21 9,795 guineapig 9,804 guineapig 9,788 Contenders
2337: Revisiting Puzzle 90: Heliomicin 08/16/23 9,834 LociOiling 9,834 LociOiling 9,834 Anthropic Dreams Hat trick, Loci!
2561: Revisiting Puzzle 90: Heliomicin 01/22/25 9,849 LociOiling 9,850 LociOiling 9,850 Anthropic Dreams Hat trick, Loci!