Foldit Wiki

Puzzle Results 1001 >

These results show images of solutions graciously provided by top scoring players from Puzzle 1001 onwards.

foldit puzzles The first closed in November 2007, player scores are shown from Puzzle 50 in May 2008.

Puzzle Results - Puzzles: 389 to 1000. Puzzle categories and Classification by protein fold.

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Design puzzles are mutable and may be symmetry or docking types.

Small Molecule Design

  • Puzzle 1432 HIV Protease Inhibitor Small Molecule Design
  • Puzzle 1519 HIV Protease Inhibitor Small Molecule Design: Round 2
  • Puzzle 1573 HIV Protease Inhibitor Small Molecule Design: Round 3

Electron Density

More information about Electron Density Puzzles


De-novo or "freestyle" puzzles generally involve "unsolved" proteins. Scientists often discover the primary structure of a protein in DNA, but aren't able to analyze the protein in the lab for various reasons. Many de-novo puzzles involve this type of mystery protein.

Some recent de-novos have actually involved proteins that were created in Foldit design puzzles. This is another way to evaluate the quality of a design. Players should be able to fold a designed protein into something close to its original designed shape.


Standard puzzles are often 'revisiting' puzzles to assist with calibration.

