Foldit Wiki
  1. What's the point?  Can't this just be automated using recipes?
  2. Where can I find a press review on foldit? -- The German Foldit wiki maintains a list of press reviews (which is categorized by source and language)
  3. Can I upload my own protein as a puzzle?
  4. How do I see real proteins?
  5. Can I use more than one computer?
  6. How can I move my cookbook from one computer to another?
  7. Can I have many clients of Foldit running? -- Yes, but use tracks to work on the same puzzle.
  8. How can I try devprev version?
  9. How many solutions are analyzed?
  10. Can I fold protein with my hand? Foldit for Leap only some tutorials on mac so far
  11. Is there other games like Foldit ? Eterna Phylo Eyewire