Foldit Wiki


void behavior.SetHidingImportance(number importance)
Set the hiding importance. (Range 0.0 to 3.0)
V1 Function Name
New to V2

behavior.SetHidingImportance sets the importance hiding, one of score parts in Foldit.

The current hiding importance can be found using behavior.GetHidingImportance.

Hiding importance can range from 0 to 3, with a default value of 1.

Hiding importance can only be set through a recipe. The "recipe score modding" checkbox in the behavior panel must be checked, or behavior.SetHidingImportance has no effect. The changed hiding importance remains in effect as long as "recipe score modding" is checked.

See recipe score modding for related functions.


The following code sets hiding importance to 2. The hiding importance is shown before and after the change.

print (  "hiding before = " .. behavior.GetHidingImportance () )
behavior.SetHidingImportance ( 2 )
print (  "hiding after = " .. behavior.GetHidingImportance () )

The output might look like this:

hiding before = 1
hiding after = 2