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EDRW stands for "enhanced deep rebuild worst", a type of recipe in Foldit. See also DRW for more.

The "enhanced DRW" recipes by Timo van der Laan are known as "EDRW", and are probably the most popular version of DRW. Tvdl enhanced DRW 3.0.2 is a current version.

EDRW recipes attempt to rebuild sections of the protein based on the score of each segment. EDRW rebuilds the worst-scoring sections.

EDRW Overview[]

EDRW is quite complex, with many options. A quick summary of typical operation may be helpful.

EDRW works on ranges of segments. The ranges can have different lengths. By default, EDRW processes ranges of length 2 to length 4.

Starting with length 2, EDRW checks the scores of each pair of segments, making a list of the worst-scoring pairs. By default, EDRW attempts to rebuild the worst four pairs on its first cycle. EDRW evaluates the rebuild results, and attempts to stabilize and fuse the best.

After processing length 2, EDRW moves on to length 3 and length 4.

After completing its first cycle, EDRW increases the number of "worst" areas to be processed. Instead of four worst areas, the five worst areas at each length will be rebuilt on the second cycle. Once the second cycle completes, the next cycle processes the six worst areas. This continues until the specified number of cycles has been reached.

This default behavior can be changed in many ways. The user can specify a different range of lengths, and can opt to process the longer lengths first in each cycle. The user can adjust how many worst areas are rebuilt in the first cycle, and how many are added in each subsequent cycle.

The user can also select which score parts are included in determining the worst segment. The user can change how many times each worst area is rebuilt. (The default is to rebuild each area 15 times.)

EDRW introduced the concept of a "wiggle factor" to compensate for different Wiggle Power settings. If wiggle power is set to "low", a wiggle factor of 1 or 2 may be appropriate. For medium or high wiggle power, a wiggle factor of 4 or 5 might work better.

In evaluating rebuilds, EDRW looks at how each rebuild affects the various score parts of the segments being rebuilt. By default, EDRW does this for all score parts. The user can limit EDRW to looking at only certain score parts.

EDRW has many other features and functions, but this quick guide covers the most common options.

EDRW settings and options[]

EDRW has several dialogs that control its operation. The dialogs include:
