LociOiling's IL-7R binder from Puzzle 1738.
IL-7R Binder Redesign puzzles challenge Foldit players to redesign proteins that bind to interleukin 7 receptor (IL-7R).
As described in a 2019 blog post Redesigning IL-7R Binders, Foldit scientist bcov had already designed 11 proteins that bind to IL-7R. The goal of the puzzles was to maintain the binding interfaces of the designed proteins, but redesign the other parts. The folding characteristics of the redesigned proteins would then be tested in a high-throughput experiment capable of evaluating 100,000 proteins at once.
The results of the first four rounds were discussed in the 2019 blog post Protein Design Critique: IL-7R Binder Redesign. The puzzles were also mentioned in the First Foldit Lab Report video.
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