Foldit Wiki

Foldit no longer participates in the biennial CASP competitions. Most CASP targets now involve larger proteins that require more computing power than most Foldit players can bring to bear.

However, in 2020, CASP14, offered a series of refinement targets which appeared suitable for Foldit. The refinement targets feature starting models which are far from the known solutions. The solutions have not yet been published.

The Global Distance Test (GDT) is used to measure the difference between the starting structure and the solution for a given protein. Specifically the "high accuracy" version of GDT is used, known as GDT-HA.

As an example, the description for 1857: Refinement Puzzle: R1029 states:

CASP14 has released this refinement target with this additional explanation: "Hard refinement target. Starting model's GDT_HA=28." This means that less than one third of this starting model matches the unreleased native structure. Try exploring as far as you can from the starting structure!

All items (12)
