The puzzles in the Campaign show you how to play Foldit. This special level shows you how to use many of the tools, and explains some of the key ideas, like Clashes, Voids, and Exposeds.
Try to complete each puzzle without help first. Most of the puzzles should take only a couple of minutes. If you get stuck, use "Reset Puzzle" from the Actions menu in the lower left and try again.
Note: the video QUICK Foldit Tutorial Walkthrough from S0ckrates shows you how to be the boss of the campaign.
(The Campaign was previously known as the "intro puzzles", and before that, as the "tutorials". One day, the wiki will say "campaign" everywhere.)
Campaign Tips covers some common questions like how to band and freeze. It also gives some keyboard shortcuts for view options that may help you see what's going on.
If you're having problems, you'll find tips below. Just click on the icon for the puzzle you're stuck on. There are tips and techniques for each puzzle, and Foldit players have contributed YouTube videos for most of the puzzles.
A few puzzles, such as Remix, Electron Density, and Hydrophobic Disaster, may require more time. These campaign puzzles are closer to real Foldit puzzles.
If you have additional questions, ask online in the Foldit client using "Chat - Global", or "Chat - Group". See Foldit chat for more on Foldit chat. The following translations of this page are available: Deutsch | Svenska | Español | German | Russian | Japanese.
The campaign puzzles are arranged in sections. Each section covers a different part of Foldit. You earn a Foldit achievement when you complete a section.
There are different tracks through the sections. The tracks may allow you to move on to a new section if you get stuck on a particular puzzle. You can always come back later to finish a problem puzzle.
Click on the icons below for more information about each puzzle. The Campaign Puzzle Master List has the same information in a simplified format.
Section 1

The first section has two paths.
The puzzles in the first section introduce sidechains, and demonstrate ways to fix clashes. The shake tool makes its debut. The section also covers the backbone, the part which holds the protein together. The sidechains are attached to the backbone.
Section 2

The second section has two tracks, and the top track in turn has two tracks.
The second section adds wiggle tool. Wiggle and shake are the most important tools in Foldit.
This section also looks at hydrophobics and hydrophilics. Orange sidechains are hydrophobic, and should be hidden on the inside of the protein. Blue sidechains are hydrophilic, and are OK on the outside of the protein.
Finally, the second section covers hydrogen bonds, which help hold proteins together. Hydrogen bonds show as blue-and-white "candy canes" in Foldit.
Section 3

The third section also has two tracks.
The third section looks at the tweak tool and how Clashing Importance can be adjusted while working out protein problems.
Section 4

The fourth section has three tracks. Players may want to backtrack and finish all three.
The fourth section introduces Foldit design puzzles, which give players the chance to design new proteins. Some of these designs actually get turned into real proteins in the Foldit lab, see design puzzle results for more.
The section looks at the blueprint tool, which is used to insert shapes found in natural proteins. The blueprint tool may help players create proteins which fold up on their own like natural ones.
Section 5

The Campaign train reaches the terminal.
The fifth and final level covers the Remix tool, another way to find better shapes for a protein. It also looks at other puzzle types, including the classic QTTN or "quest to the native", and the challenging electron density puzzles.